Shaar Hashamaim(Gate of Heaven) Synagogue, Thane
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( Jul - Aug 2024 )
Yom RishonYom SheniYom ShelishiYom Revi'iYom HamishiYom ShishiYom Shabbath
7th Jul
Rosh Hodesh
P: Book 4 Chapter 28 Vaidabber Adonai till Verse 16
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
8th Jul
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
9th Jul
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
10th Jul
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
11th Jul
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
12th Jul
06:50 PM
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
13th Jul
P: Hukkath
H: Veyifta Haggiladi
08:05 PM
S-7:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
14th Jul
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
15th Jul
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
16th Jul
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
17th Jul
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
18th Jul
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
19th Jul
06:49 PM
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
20th Jul
P: Balaakh
H: Parasha of Balaakh(Vehaya Sheyetrith)
08:04 PM
S-7:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
21st Jul
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
22nd Jul
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
23rd Jul
Fast of Tammuz
P: Book 2 Chapter 32 Verse 11(Vaihaal Moshe) till Verse 15 & Chapter 34 till Verse 11
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
24th Jul
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
25th Jul
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
26th Jul
06:47 PM
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
27th Jul
Shabbath Dibre
P: Pinhas
H: Parasha of Mattoth(Dibre Ermiyahoo)
08:02 PM
S-7:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
28th Jul
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
29th Jul
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
30th Jul
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
31st Jul
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
1st Aug
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
2nd Aug
06:44 PM
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
3rd Aug
Shabbath Shimaoo
P: Mattoth & Masei
H: Parasha of Masei(Shimaoo Debar Adonai)
07:59 PM
S-7:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM
4th Aug
Erev Rosh Hodesh
S-8:00 AM⯍M-4:00 PM⯍A-7:30 PM

English Date
Day Of Week
Shacharit Time
English Title
Mincha Time
Arbit Time
Do Not Read
Auspicious Days
Sunset Time
Candle Time

Copyright 2020 - Shaar Hashamaim(Gate of Heaven) Synagogue, Thane. All rights reserved. Hosting sponsored by: Raymond Jacob Ramrajkar Concept, Design & Development by Abimelekh Pinhas Bhastekar.
Subject matter expert advice and Calendar Credits : Moses Abraham Phansapurkar & Raymond Jacob Ramrajkar. Application testing & validation : David Isaac Ghosalkar
Reproduction, distribution, or transmission in any form or fashion, without written consent from the author is punishable under the national and international copyright laws.