Shaar Hashamaim(Gate of Heaven) Synagogue, Thane
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The prophet Elijah is the main protagonist of this week`s haftorah. According to tradition, Elijah shared the same soul as Pinchas, the hero of this week`s Torah portion. They also both zealously fought on G-d`s behalf, while disregarding the dangers involved.

Following the showdown with the Baal prophets at Mount Carmel, which led to the execution of the Baal priests, the evil Queen Jezebel issued a death sentence for Elijah. Elijah fled to the Judean desert and asked G-d to take his life. While he slept, an angel awoke him and provided him with food and drink. Reenergized, Elijah went for forty days until he arrived at Mount Horeb (Sinai), and he slept in a cave on the mountain. And the word of G-d came to him and asked him for the purpose of his visit. "And [Elijah] said: `I have been zealous for G-d, the Lord of Hosts, for the children of Israel have forsaken Your covenant. They have torn down Your altars and they have killed Your prophets by the sword, and I have remained alone, and they seek my life to take it."

Elijah was instructed to leave the cave and stand on the mountain: "Behold! G-d`s Presence will pass." There was a great and strong wind splitting mountains and shattering boulders, but Elijah realized that G-d was not in the wind. Then came an earthquake followed by fire, but again Elijah understood that not in the earthquake nor the fire was G-d. After the fire there was a subtle silent voice, and Elijah realized that the Divine Presence had appeared.

G-d asked Elijah again for the purpose of his visit, and Elijah repeated his earlier response. G-d instructed Elijah to go to Damascus and anoint Hazael as king of Aram and Jehu as king of Israel and to anoint Elisha as a prophet in his stead. These three would continue Elijah`s battle against the Baal.

Elijah followed the instructions and he immediately found Elisha and recruited him as his aide and eventual successor.

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